Cristiano Cantore

Cristiano Cantore

Professor of Economics

Department of Economics and Law

Sapienza University of Rome

I am a Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Law of Sapienza University of Rome. I am also an affiliate at the Centre for Macroeconomics and a Fellow at the Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.

What’s new?


  • Business Cycles
  • Monetary and Fiscal Policy
  • Labor Market
  • Inequality


  • PhD in Economics, 2010

    University of Kent

  • MSc in Economics, 2005

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra

  • BSc in Economics and Statistics, 2004

    Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi


I was born in Potenza, Basilicata (Italy), on the 5th of May 1981. In 2004 I graduated from Bocconi University and I moved to Barcelona to study an MSc in Economics at Pompeu Fabra University. After a one-year scholarship at Carlos III University in Madrid, in 2006 I moved to the University of Kent in Canterbury (UK) as a Ph.D. student. In September 2009 I started as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Surrey where I have also contributed to the creation and development of the Centre for International Macroeconomic Studies. In April 2013 I was promoted to Senior Lecturer and in August 2018 to Reader. In September 2018 I joined the Research Hub of the Bank of England as a Senior Research Economist. In July 2021 I have been promoted to Research Advisor. In March 2023 I left the Bank of England and the University of Surrey to join Sapienza University of Rome as a Full Professor in Economics. Over the years I’ve also been at OECD and ECB as an intern, at the Banco de España as a research fellow, at the University of California San Diego as a visiting professor, a pole lead director at the Centre for Macroeconomics and a Guest teacher of Monetary Economics in the MSc of the London School of Economics .

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(2015). CES technology and business cycle fluctuations. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 61(C), pages 133-151.

Published Version Ungated Online Appendix

(2014). A Fiscal Stimulus and Jobless Recovery. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 116(3), pages 669-701, July.

Published Version IMF WP Online Appendix

(2014). Shocking Stuff: Technology, Hours, And Factor Substitution. Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 12(1), pages 108-128, February.

Published Version Ungated Online Appendix


(2023). Adoption of Clean Technology. FINPRO 3 - Banca d’Italia - 08/06/2023.


(2022). Monetary Policy and Labor Income Inequality. Household Heterogeneity Conference, Banque de France - 28/11/2022.


(2022). Gender balance in the household and workplace in the Covid recovery. Royal Economic Society Keynote Address - University of Reading - 11/04/2022.

PDF video

(2021). Five Facts about the Distributional Income Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks. ESCB Research Cluster on Monetary Economics, Fifth Annual workshop - 8/11/2021.


(2020). Open economy, redistribution, and the aggregate impact of external shocks. 6th BdF-BoE International Macroeconomics Workshop - Bank of England - 3/12/2020.


(2020). Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest: A Note on Transitory Shocks. XXV Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network - Banco Central del Uruguay - 28/10/2020.


(2018). Breaking the Feedback Loop: Macroprudential Regulation of Banks' Sovereign Exposures. 17th Workshop on Macroeconomic Dynamics: Theory and Applications - LUISS University Rome - 21/12/2018.


(2017). State Dependence in Labor Market Fluctuations: Evidence, Theory and Policy Implications. 16th Workshop on Macroeconomic Dynamics: Theory and Applications Universita' Cattolica Milano - 21/12/2017.


(2013). E Pluribus Unum: Macroeconomic Modelling for Multi-agent Economies. Macro Banking and Finance Workshop - Universita’ degli Studi Milano Bicocca - 20/09/2013.


(2012). Capital-Labor Substitution, Structural Change and Growth. Structural Change and Macroeconomic Dynamics Workshop - University of Cagliari - 18/05/2012.


(2012). Economic Integration and Structural Change. 2nd workshop on Structural Change and Macroeconomic Dynamics - University of Surrey - 16/11/2012.


Media and links

In the Media


2024 - 2025

  • Teorie e Politiche Macroeconomiche (Master in Economia Politica - Sapienza University)

    Le lezioni inizieranno lunedì 23 settembre 2024 con il seguente calendario:

    • Martedì ore 8-10 (Edificio: RM019 - Aula di Matematica)
    • Mercoledì ore 16-18 (Edificio: RM019 - Aula di Matematica)
  • Politica Economica (Undergraduate - Sapienza University)

    Il corso è finalizzato a fornire la conoscenza delle teorie, dei modelli e degli strumenti della politica economica e la capacità di applicarla con riferimento alle problematiche nazionali e internazionali, aziendali e istituzionali.

    Programma: Politica economica ed economia politica. Fallimenti del mercato microeconomici e macroeconomici. La teoria normativa della politica economica. I fallimenti dello stato e la teoria positiva della politica economica. L’analisi costi-benefici. Gli strumenti di politica microeconomica. Le politiche antimonopolistiche. Le politiche in presenza di esternalità e di beni pubblici. Le politiche redistributive e lo stato sociale. Gli obiettivi e gli strumenti macroeconomici in un’economia aperta. La politica monetaria. La politica fiscale. La politica dei redditi e dei prezzi. Le politiche per la bilancia dei pagamenti. Politica economica e crescita economica. Le regole automatiche, gli interventi discrezionali e le incoerenze temporali. Politica economica e l’integrazione finanziaria internazionale.

    Acocella N., Politica economica e strategie aziendali, Carocci, Roma.

    L’esame consiste in una prova scritta e in una prova orale obbligatoria per poter ottenere un voto superiore al 25.

    La prova scritta consiste in circa 20 domande a risposta multipla, comprendente anche domande su grafici e alcuni esercizi numerici, a cui si deve rispondere in 30 minuti.

    In linea con quanto stabilito dalla facoltà, non sono previste prove intermedie o preappelli. Gli esami si terranno nelle finestre temporali previste dalla Facoltà.

    Le lezioni inizieranno lunedì 18 settembre 2023 con il seguente calendario:

    • Martedì ore 16-18 (Edificio: RM019 - Aula 5 Federico Caffè)
    • Mercoledì ore 18-20 (Edificio: RM020 - Aula 10)
    • Venerdì ore 14-16 (Edificio: RM019 -Aula 5 Federico Caffè)
  • Office Hours - Orario di ricevimento

    Tuesdays from 14.30 to 15.30 during term.

    Martedì dalle 14.30 alle 15.30 durante il periodo di lezione.

Past Teaching

2023 to date: Sapienza University of Rome - Teorie e Politiche Macroeconomiche - Laurea Magistrale in Economia Politica; Politica Economica - Laurea Triennale in Economia e Finanza.

2023: Economic Policy - MSc in Economics Sapienza University.

2022: London School of Economics - MSc ‘Monetary Economics and Aggregate Fluctuations’.

2009-2023: University of Surrey - Macroeconomics at all levels; International trade, Data analyisis and Contemporary issues in Economics at undergraduate level.

Over the years I have been teaching various courses on Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models construction, simulation and estimations using Dynare at the University of Surrey or in New Delhi, Porto, Glasgow, Birmingham, Cagliari, Abuja, Berlin and Turin.